
Showing posts from May, 2021

Fuels of success

       Everyone in this world wants to be the most successful person in their life. There are some essential things you must know to be a successful person in your life. (1) SELF CONFIDENCE                One must have full confidence on his/ her preparation and ability. When you aim to do something,you must believe that you have the ability to do that and you can.           Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and believe yourself and have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths and weakness well, and have a positive view of yourself.                                                                   ( source: Google)         ...

3 Life Deciding Factor

Do you know which things are the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS  of your life to get success? I'll tell you. There are three most important things which you have to control,if you want to get everything in your life at the right time. (1) TIME There is a say that “Time and tide waits for none." Time never stops and never waits for anyone. It flies away. Just you have to use time properly.          In the words of William Shakespeare,“ I wasted the time and the time now destroyed me."   So be punctual and use time properly. (2) LOVE   Love is such a thing which we all need to survive or live our life. But what happened if you misuse it. It will destroy you. Yeah, as I have already told there is always a proper time for everything. And so Adult age is not the proper age for love,it's for study. Remember always give priority to your goal than your love . Because now finding true love in human beings is so and so difficult. But ...

True Relationship

               TRUE RELATIONSHIP Relationship... this one is the important thing in everybody's life. Everyone needs it to survive in this world.             Relationship is made of love and the base of love is trust . The stronger your trust, stronger your relationship. When you trust someone,you fall in love with him/her and then you make a relationship with him/her. The relationship you establish may be like a friend or a life partner or any.           Always remember trust is like a thread. Once broke up, then it's very hard to join it once again and if you will able to join it, then there is a joint left on it.   So never leave a true relationship for some mistakes or for any misunderstanding. Because finding a true relationship is too hard now-a-days in this world and also it's too hard to manage.            True relationship i...

Be like....

Be strong like PHYSICS Be wise like MATH Be unique like CHEMISTRY Be best like BIOLOGY Be crazy like PSYCHOLOGY Be chill like GEOGRAPHY Be a past learner like HISTORY Be a hard worker like ACCOUNTANCY Be helpful like INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Be friendly like ENGLISH Thanks and regards S²Px.

Failure - Is it Success?

Failure's a word which can make a man's life and can destroy also. But the question is how and when? Let me tell you FAILURE becomes permanent when you take it as your disability and lose your courage and self confidence and give up. But it becomes temporary when you accept it like a teach and make up your mistakes.            So never give up when you fail to do something. Wake up and go ahead with a new hope. If you give up, you won't be able to get the goal you want.           Let's have an example..l'm posting blogs. But I'm not getting much views and comments on my blogs. Due to this if I stop creating and posting blogs , then can I be the best blogger one day? No...coz I stop creating and posting. Then how I'll be the best.           Someone really told that “ You must start to be the best and successful. It's not compulsory that only a successful and best person can start ." ...

Life is...

LIFE is like the conversation reaction. You have to convert yourself from Worst to BEST Hater to LOVER Lazy to HARDWORKING Wrong to RIGHT Enemy to FRIEND No to YES and finally from Loser to CHAMPION  if you can't do so, if you can't change yourself ,then you never change this world and remember the world never remember them who can't bring changes to it. Thanks and regards S²Px.


Hey guys! Let's hack the life. You know life teaches us a lot of best things. We just have to learn everything and go ahead. It's my first post and I'm going to tell you all that things that help you to be a valuable and successful person in your future. Let's know what is “ LIFE "? You know everyone says that life is race. If you can't run fast then the others will be winner. But let me say that life is not a race, it's all about your talent...your God gifted talent. Talent makes you different and the difference makes you the famous one. Always focus on your talent. Let's have an example. I have the talent of painting,but I'm focusing on dancing. Just think could I be the best? No, only painting can make me best. Life is all about your passion and your passion is your talent.  Hey guys I'm just a beginner and I'm trying to do my best. Thanks and regards S²Px.